Sunday 4 August 2013


                                         TURN AROUND POEM
                                        I used  to research in internet                       
                                        but now I prefer dictionary.

                                        I used to read book;
                                       but now i prefer notebook.

                                       I used to write in yellow paper,
                                       but now i prefer white paper.
                                       I used to wear pants,
                                       but now i prefer short.

                                      I used to eat fried chicken,
                                      but now i prefer fried fish.

                                     I used to watch TV,
                                     but now i love listening Radio.

                                   I used to close the door,
                                  but now i prefer open the door.

                                  I used to drink Mango juice,
                                  but now i prefer apple juice.

                                  I used to buy air condition,
                                  but now i prefer electric fan.

                                 I used to play with my father,
                                 but now i prefer my brother.

                                  I used to write red chalk,
                                  but now i prefer white chalk.

                                 I used to go early,
                                 but now i prefer take a bath first

                                 I used to speak English,
                                 but now i prefer Tagalog.

                                I used to buy rice,
                                but now i prefer cooked rice.

                               I used to sleep early,
                               but now i prefer watch TV first.

                              I used to go Abroad,
                              but now i prefer stay here in Philippines.

                              I used to buy accounting book,
                              but now i prefer Math book.

                             I used to eat sweet foods,
                             but now i prefer  love salty foods.

                             I used to eat mango,
                             but now i prefer apple.

                             I used to teach English subjects,
                             but now i prefer math subjects.

                            I used to sale my carabao,
                            but now i prefer sale my cow.

                           I used to answer the math problem,
                            but now i prefer  read first.

                           I used to enter class early,
                           but i prefer study first.
                           I used to sing with my brother,
                           but now i prefer with my sister.

                          I used to write my blue ballpen,
                          but now i prefer black ballpen.

                          I used to watch TV,
                          but now i prefer  answer  my assignments.

                         I used to wear black pants,
                         but now i prefer blue pants.

                         I used to buy polo,
                         but now i prefer T-shirt.

                         I used to read pocket book,
                         but now i prefer magazines.

                         I used to sweep broom,
                         but now i prefer soft broom.

                        I used to walk fast,
                        but now i prefer slow.

                       I used to cry loud,
                       but now i prefer silence.

                       I used to play basket ball,
                       but now i prefer volleyball.

                      I used to draw caravao,
                      but now i prefer goat.

                      I used to buy shampoo,
                      but now i prefer soap.

                      I used to sit on the firsts Raw,
                      but now i prefer sit on the last Raw.

                      I used to watch cartoon movie,
                      but now i prefer love story movie.

                      I used to  decorate flower,
                      but now i prefer Teddy bear.

                      I used to read loud,
                      but now i prefer silence.

                      I used to eat food, 
                      but now i prefer to drink water.

                      I used to write ball pen
                      but now I prefer pencil

                      I used to wear long sleeve
                       but now I prefer T-shirt

                       I used to wear shoes
                       but now I prefer slipper

                       I used to listen English song
                       but now I prefer Tagalog song

                       I used to wear black bag 
                       but now I prefer white bag

                       I used to use big notebook 
                       but now I prefer small notebook

                      I used to come early
                      but now I prefer study first

                     I used to call mobile phone
                     but now I prefer telephone

                     I used to sing a love song
                     but now I prefer foreign sing





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