Sunday 4 August 2013


                                         TURN AROUND POEM
                                        I used  to research in internet                       
                                        but now I prefer dictionary.

                                        I used to read book;
                                       but now i prefer notebook.

                                       I used to write in yellow paper,
                                       but now i prefer white paper.
                                       I used to wear pants,
                                       but now i prefer short.

                                      I used to eat fried chicken,
                                      but now i prefer fried fish.

                                     I used to watch TV,
                                     but now i love listening Radio.

                                   I used to close the door,
                                  but now i prefer open the door.

                                  I used to drink Mango juice,
                                  but now i prefer apple juice.

                                  I used to buy air condition,
                                  but now i prefer electric fan.

                                 I used to play with my father,
                                 but now i prefer my brother.

                                  I used to write red chalk,
                                  but now i prefer white chalk.

                                 I used to go early,
                                 but now i prefer take a bath first

                                 I used to speak English,
                                 but now i prefer Tagalog.

                                I used to buy rice,
                                but now i prefer cooked rice.

                               I used to sleep early,
                               but now i prefer watch TV first.

                              I used to go Abroad,
                              but now i prefer stay here in Philippines.

                              I used to buy accounting book,
                              but now i prefer Math book.

                             I used to eat sweet foods,
                             but now i prefer  love salty foods.

                             I used to eat mango,
                             but now i prefer apple.

                             I used to teach English subjects,
                             but now i prefer math subjects.

                            I used to sale my carabao,
                            but now i prefer sale my cow.

                           I used to answer the math problem,
                            but now i prefer  read first.

                           I used to enter class early,
                           but i prefer study first.
                           I used to sing with my brother,
                           but now i prefer with my sister.

                          I used to write my blue ballpen,
                          but now i prefer black ballpen.

                          I used to watch TV,
                          but now i prefer  answer  my assignments.

                         I used to wear black pants,
                         but now i prefer blue pants.

                         I used to buy polo,
                         but now i prefer T-shirt.

                         I used to read pocket book,
                         but now i prefer magazines.

                         I used to sweep broom,
                         but now i prefer soft broom.

                        I used to walk fast,
                        but now i prefer slow.

                       I used to cry loud,
                       but now i prefer silence.

                       I used to play basket ball,
                       but now i prefer volleyball.

                      I used to draw caravao,
                      but now i prefer goat.

                      I used to buy shampoo,
                      but now i prefer soap.

                      I used to sit on the firsts Raw,
                      but now i prefer sit on the last Raw.

                      I used to watch cartoon movie,
                      but now i prefer love story movie.

                      I used to  decorate flower,
                      but now i prefer Teddy bear.

                      I used to read loud,
                      but now i prefer silence.

                      I used to eat food, 
                      but now i prefer to drink water.

                      I used to write ball pen
                      but now I prefer pencil

                      I used to wear long sleeve
                       but now I prefer T-shirt

                       I used to wear shoes
                       but now I prefer slipper

                       I used to listen English song
                       but now I prefer Tagalog song

                       I used to wear black bag 
                       but now I prefer white bag

                       I used to use big notebook 
                       but now I prefer small notebook

                      I used to come early
                      but now I prefer study first

                     I used to call mobile phone
                     but now I prefer telephone

                     I used to sing a love song
                     but now I prefer foreign sing






                                                                 SHORT STORY


                                                               Pride has A Fall

.                     Gorelal was a famous sculptor. His sculptures looked real ones. One day he saw a dream that after fifteen days, the demon of Death would come to take him. Orella prepared nine statues of himself and when on the 15th day he heard the Demon of Death coming, he took his place between the statues. The Demon could not recognise him and was astonished to see ten Gorelals instead of one. He rushed back to the God of death and told the matter. The God of death got annoyed and set out to take Gorelal himself. Gorelal was alert and stood motionless. The God of Death initially got perplexed. But he thought for a moment. He said, “Gorelal, these sculptures would have been perfect but for one mistake." Gorelal was unable to suffer the least blemish in his work. He came out and asked, "Where is the fault?" God of Death caught him and said, “HERE". The statues were faultless but Gorelal was caught because of his pride.